medical appraisal TEAM CONTACT DETAILS

Contact us

The Medical Appraisal Team is located at 102 Westport, West Port, Edinburgh EH3 9DN

Our contact details can be found on Medical Appraisal Scotland:

For all general queries, please email


Who we are

Dr Niall Cameron

National Appraisal Adviser (PT)

Harry Peat

Training Manager (Medical Appraisal) (FT)

Niall is responsible for the strategic direction of the work of the Medical Appraisal Team and the development and quality assurance of the Appraisal Scheme. He works closely with Harry Peat, Training Manager. He represents NES at a number of key stakeholder meetings including the Scottish Revalidation Delivery Board and is lead for NES in the UMbRELLA project.  He has extensive experience of Medical Appraisal as an Appraiser, Appraisal Lead, GP and Trainer.


Harry, who joined the Medical Appraisal team on 1st February 2016, has worked within the Medical Directorate for approximately 10 years and has held the posts of Hospital Training Manager and latterly Quality Improvement Manager. With approximately 4 and a half years in this role Harry has extensive experience of dealing with the GMC in relation to the delivery of Postgraduate Medical Education and is looking forward to broadening this experience with work in the fields of Appraisal and Revalidation.


Marjorie McArthur

 Medical Appraisal Scheme Manager (FT)

Joyce McCrae

Administrator (FT)

Marjorie was responsible for the operational management of the scheme. This included development of policies and procedures, organisation of recruitment and training, and financial management.


NB: In August 2016, Marjorie is leaving NES after more than a decade’s service to the Medical Appraisal team. We wish her a happy and well deserved retirement!


Joyce is responsible for providing full-time administrative support to the Medical Appraisal Team, including processing all applications for Appraiser training and allocating applicants to training courses; organising and supporting training courses; notifying participants (and Medical Directors, Appraisal Leads and Local Admins) of the outcomes; and answering health board queries about NES-trained appraisers.


William Liu

Information Manager (FT)

Alistair Bryan

 Information Technician (FT)

Kris Wright

 Information Technician (FT)

William’s main responsibilities revolve around the maintenance of and further improvements to SOAR (Scottish Online Appraisal Resource); as well as supporting all users (doctors and administrators) in using the system.  He also provides an array of ICT support within the Appraisal team at various events and projects.

Also known as “Grandpa”, William’s background is predominantly in ICT (Information Communications Technology), having graduated from University of Paisley in 2000, PgDip in ICT with Web Technologies.  Prior to joining NES in 2007, William worked in the voluntary sector in Midlothian for the best part of 6 years, providing ICT support to local community groups and services.


Alistair (along with Kris) is responsible for providing SOAR user support on the helpdesk to doctors and administrators alike, and user training via BT WebEx.


Alistair’s background is in ICT having graduated from the Open University in 2008.  Prior to joining the SOAR team he worked as a Network Technician in NES.


Kris (along with Alistair) is responsible for providing SOAR user support on the helpdesk to doctors and administrators alike, and user training via BT WebEx.

Kris came to us from the film industry, bringing with him a wealth of experience in video and cinematography.  Along with his experience as a tutor in complicated IT software, Kris and Alistair’s skillset complement each other really well and they have formed a strong support team since May 2014.


NHS Education for Scotland

Westport 102

West Port

Edinburgh EH3 9DN

tel: 0131 656 3200

fax: 0131 656 3201

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