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Refresher Appraiser training days

Refresher Appraiser training days

As well as the self-directed learning materials and webinars, NES will also run regular half-day training events with participation invited once every 3 years. The training course is delivered via a mix of mandatory online pre-course work and 1x half-day attendance (via MS Teams).

Copies of the programme/timetable (for both AM and PM courses) are available in the pre-course materials page.

Refresher Appraiser: training courses application

The Refresher Appraiser training is designed for existing appraisers.

If you have not attended any formal appraiser training, or if you are returning to the appraiser role following a period of absence or if you are new to appraisal in Scotland - please liaise with your employing health board's Appraisal Lead in the first instance.

To apply for a place on the 2024/25 Refresher courses, please complete the application form via below link:

When considering your availability, please select up to 3 courses from the list and rank your preference accordingly.

  • Where the training course ID ends in A, it signifies morning sessions (9am to 12:30pm)
  • Where the training course ID ends in P, it signifies afternoon sessions (1:30pm to 5pm)

Event List- Refresher Appraiser Training Courses

RA31P Refresher Appraiser (RA31P) 28/05/2025 MS Teams
RA31A Refresher Appraiser (RA31A) 28/05/2025 MS Teams
RA32A Refresher Appraiser (RA32A) 20/06/2025 MS Teams
RA33A Refresher Appraiser (RA33A) 23/09/2025 MS Teams
RA33P Refresher Appraiser (RA33P) 23/09/2025 MS Teams
RA34A Refresher Appraiser (RA34A) 02/10/2025 MS Teams
RA34P Refresher Appraiser (RA34P) 02/10/2025 MS Teams
RA35A Refresher Appraiser (RA35A) 05/11/2025 MS Teams
RA35P Refresher Appraiser (RA35P) 05/11/2025 MS Teams
RA36A Refresher Appraiser (RA36A) 05/12/2025 MS Teams
RA37A Refresher Appraiser (RA37A) 29/01/2026 MS Teams
RA38A Refresher Appraiser (RA38A) 19/02/2026 MS Teams
RA39P Refresher Appraiser (RA39P) 17/03/2026 MS Teams
RA39A Refresher Appraiser (RA39A) 17/03/2026 MS Teams

Please note, the focus of the Medical Appraiser courses is intended (and funded) for primary and secondary care doctors for the purposes of Medical Revalidation.  The content is bespoke for this and whilst we welcome applications from other areas, our priorities are with the medical colleagues.

This page was last updated on: 26/02/2025