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Complaints (1)

The video was recorded for the purpose of facilitating learner discussions at the Medical Appraisal Scotland appraiser training events.

Simulated discussion of a (fictional) complaint at appraisal meeting.

For discussion:

In this scenario, the appraisee is an experienced doctor who just received her first complaint and is quite distressed over it.  How do you think the appraiser did in helping the appraisee reflect?  What questions / techniques did you see?  What did you notice about the body language or demeanour of both the appraiser and the appraisee as the discussion went on?

What would you do differently if you were the appraiser?

How might you write up the summary in the Form 4?


Video reflection:

After you have reviewed the video, consider the following:

  • Is the video a "High-Quality" appraisal?
    • If yes – what did the appraiser do that you thought was good?
    • If no – why not?
  • If you were the appraiser, how would you have facilitated that discussion?
  • Did you pick up on any cues from the appraisee?
  • What feedback would you give the appraiser?
  • What questions, if any, would you like to ask the tutors on training day?
  • What learning are you taking away from this video?

Use the training course workbook to log your reflections (or you can use the standalone reflective template below instead).

This simulated appraisal discussion is not intended to be the "perfect appraisal": it should be seen as examples of appraisal techniques and is designed as a talking point for training course discussions.  The discussions are based on the roleplaying appraiser/appraisee's own experience.  Any similarities with others' experience is entirely coincidental.

We suggest that, if you have time, you should review the other training videos.

Recorded in June 2024.  If you experience a problem viewing the above video, please visit: 

This page was last updated on: 03/10/2024