Held on 5th and 6th May 2016 at the EICC
Workshops for 2016/2017 Scottish Medical Appraisers Conference:
Contributors: William Liu, Information Manager (Medical Appraisal), NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and Claire McCrae, RoT Project Advisor, University of Edinburgh
This workshop will enable delegates to be better informed about the overall processes, the IT systems involved, and an opportunity to discuss the impact on Appraisers and Appraisees.
There will be a presentation on the overall process, including what is involved for the DMEs and EOs and how a Trainer becomes “Recognised”.
There will also be an opportunity for delegates to ask questions in a dedicated Q&A session.
Aims of the workshop: Debunk the rumours, demystify the misinterpretations!
Contributors: Dr John Taylor, Appraisal Lead in Secondary Care, NHS Ayrshire & Arran and Anne Ramsay, GP Locum, Appraiser, Local Appraiser Advisor and Revalidation Officer Primary Care, NHS Tayside
This workshop will allow appraisers to discuss and explore how they should manage issues that arise in appraisal and when these should be 'escalated'
Contributor: David Cunningham, Assistant Director of General Practice Education, NES
How familiar are you with the current literature of learning in health care education? What is adult learning theory and how does it influence what you do as an appraiser and adult educator?
There are many reasons why health care professionals take part in continuing professional development (CPD). Appraisal and GMC revalidation are two important ones but other motivations exist that encourage practitioners to learn, develop and change their practice.
This workshop will explore how CPD theory can inform appraisal and how appraisers can develop their skills in supporting appraisees to become more reflective and effective learners.
Aims of the workshop:
Contributor: Rhona Siegmeth, Consultant Anaesthetist & Appraiser, Golden Jubilee National Hospital
This workshop will focus on how appraisers can effectively manage appraisals with doctors who have found themselves in difficulty, and address issues that arise in appraisal. Areas we will look at include:
Synopsis of the workshop: “Essentially, they all come down to the same thing: encourage reflection, encourage remediation and include tangible things to demonstrate this in the PDP (form 4s can be used as evidence of remediation in GMC matters). Don't ignore health issues, use occupational health, get support, encourage healthy work / life balances; and avoid probity being called into question at all cost. Appraisal is a useful yearly opportunity to hammer home this message because the GMC are unforgiving when it comes to probity issues and it is the one thing that can see people struck off with little option of recourse.”
Contributor: David Gordon, Senior Staff Support Chaplain, NHS Tayside
This workshop will build on an introduction to VBRP at last year's conference which received excellent feedback. This will allow appraisers to explore how reflection can influence practice and how they can become more skilled in facilitating this.
After a brief introduction (or re-introduction) to VBRP and its tools, the workshop facilitators will explore VBRP tools in clinical practice, and split into smaller groups for live sessions of VBRP.
Contributor: Dr Nitin Gambhir, GP Appraiser and Trainer, CSA Examiner RCGP, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Aims / Synopsis of the workshop : This workshop is aimed at GP appraisers and trainers who have had interactions and experiences in dealing with overseas doctors (IMG’s). It is well acknowledged that there is differential attainment in performance at exams and training between IMG’s and UK graduates. GMC accepts that overseas doctors are at a higher risk of receiving complaints and being investigated. Culture plays a huge role in how oversees doctors fulfil their professional roles including appraisal and CPD. Various interventions across the UK to address this differential attainment have focussed on understanding Cultural differences and how they might impact some key areas of performance.
This workshop will allow participants to understand how these cultural differences may impact the Appraisal process in particular. In particular areas where this might be significant are CPD and Lifelong learning, developing a PDP, Reflection skills, dealing with Complaints, working with colleagues and Probity. The workshop with be an interactive discussion of experiences, cultural concepts and some suggestions on how to deal with these issues.
Contributor: Dr Duncan McNab, Associate Advisor Patient Safety and Quality, NES
It has been suggested that we take a ‘systems approach’ to learning when something goes wrong in healthcare. Working backwards to ‘find and fix’ the problem may not maximise our learning. In the complex systems that exist in healthcare, the ability of people to vary their performance in changing conditions is often what leads to success. This workshop will explore how we can start to take a ‘systems approach’ and part of this is understanding why things usually go right.
Contributor: Dr Winnie Weir, Training Programme Director for Trainer Development, NES
This workshop will allow appraisers the opportunity to reflect on how they can develop their communication skills in the appraisal setting
Recognition of Trainer processes on SOAR
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This page was last updated on: 26/05/2022