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Challenging Appraisal Situations

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# Scottish Medical Appraisers Conference sessions

Challenging Appraisal Situations
Exploring different situations and different approaches using small group case-based discussions.

Dr Barbara Chandler (NHS Highland Secondary Care Appraisal Lead)
Dr Jo Rose (NHS Borders and NHS Lothian Primary Care Deputy Appraisal Lead)


Slides used on the day is available for downloading below.

In this workshop, participants were shown a short clip of an appraisal situation, and then asked to discuss each of them in small groups as outlined below.  The recording includes snippets of some of the breakout room discussions.

Scenario 1

Scenario:  Senior clinician approaching retirement, never engaged well with appraisal

  • Very little submitted material
  • Confrontational and “grumpy” attitude
  • Approaching retirement within the next 6 months
  • Planning to do some clinics and teaching post retirement

In your breakout group, discuss the following:

  1. How could you challenge their understanding of the purpose of revalidation and of appraisal?
  2. How would you explain the GMC requirements to retain a License to practice post-retirement.
  3. What could you do to engage them to support their post-retirement plans?
  4. Would you consider seeing them again in 6 months for a mid-point review to ensure they are on track? What could that meeting look like?
  5. Can you share (anonymised please) any similar scenarios for the group to discuss? What worked well for you and what would you do differently another time?

Scenario 2

Scenario:  Experienced busy clinician, mid-point career

  • Serious complaint which has escalated
  • Initially about a failed treatment of an elderly relative, but now also about attitude
  • Previous MSF included comments about abrupt attitude at times especially if stressed

In your breakout group, discuss the following:

  1. What is going on here in the doctor’s mind?
  2. What level of insight do they have into their behaviour and responses to colleagues and patients?
  3. How can you help this doctor reflect on their approach and reduce risk of future confrontations? How can you challenge without being collusive? How could you link back to their previous MSF?
  4. How would you document this in the Form 4?
  5. Can you share (anonymised please) any similar scenarios for the group to discuss? What worked well for you and what would you do differently another time?

Scenario 3

Scenario:  Young colleague, CCT a couple of years ago, working 3 days a week. Sketchy paperwork submitted in advance and been slow responding to email.

  • Last year they submitted a lot of information
  • This year there is almost nothing, and the free-text in the appraisal forms indicated that they’ve had some personal stress and are finding work hard too.

In your breakout group, discuss the following:

  1. What is your priority in this appraisal? What is your role?
  2. What supports do you have locally that you could signpost to?
  3. How would your approach differ depending on how well you establish that they’re coping? What would you do if they seem to be depressed?
  4. Can you share (anonymised please) any similar scenarios for the group to discuss? What worked well for you and what would you do differently another time?

Related Documents

Challenging Appraisals Situations

Slides used at conference workshop (with word clouds included)

Date updated: 04/03/2025

Size: 2520460 - KB

Type: pptx

This page was last updated on: 04/03/2025