Breakout 1
- You will be sent to breakout rooms for about 25 mins
- Please allow time for introductions and enable every member of the group to contribute to the discussions
- Read the pre-prepared anonymised Form 4 according to the group you are in below
- The sample Form 4 hopefully will provoke some discussions and reflections on your own practice
- Focussing on Domains 1 and 2, consider:
- For Domain 1:
- What additional information do you add? (work the doctor does? additional roles?)
- What about learning? (reflections on the learning? Type of learning?)
- What comments do you usually make with regards to PDP?
- How do you summarise QIA activity?
- Do you use the actions/Agreed outcomes box?
- For Domain 2:
- What do you normally highlight/ Record from PSQ? anything particularly good or areas to improve?
- For complaints or critical incidents, what do you normally include when writing the Form 4?
- If you have questions for later large group discussion, please submit via
- When breakout closes, there will be a 10 minute plenary back in the main room. Please use the "Raise hand" and "chat" functions to engage.
Breakout 2
- You will be sent to breakout rooms for about 25 mins
- You will be in the same grouping as before
- Using the same Form 4 from the earlier breakout, please focus on Domains 3 and 4, consider:
- For Domain 3:
- What aspects of your conversation do you record on this area?
- Do you add detail on the actions/Agreed outcomes?
- If MSF was submitted? what areas do you highlight?
- What comments do you normally write around health?
- For Domain 4:
- What aspects of the discussion do you record in here?
- Do you mention GMC good medical practice?
- Do you record if the doctor is registered with a GP?
- If you have questions for later large group discussion, please submit via
- When breakout closes, there will be a 10 minute plenary back in the main room. Please use the "Raise hand" and "chat" functions to engage.
Room | Breakout 1 | Breakout 2 |
Rooms 1-11 |
Form 4 example AA (Domains 1 and 2) |
Form 4 example XX (Domains 3 and 4) |
Rooms 12-22 |
Form 4 example XX (Domains 1 and 2) |
Form 4 example AA (Domains 3 and 4) |
This page was last updated on: 03/02/2025