The developers have come up with the below versions for our considerations. The main differences in the designs are the heading banner colour (blue vs. white), the box display style (fixed size vs. fluid mosaic style) and mission statement text formatting (italic or not).
There's two pages for each version, the second page illustrates what it looks like if there's a reminder/call to action button at the top of the page/
We've been through this internally, unless there's an overwhelming opposition to it, we would go with version 1 with fixed size boxes and blue header but no italics (to be inline with accessibility best practice).
Click on the images below to open the larger images. If you feel strongly against this please let William know before July 1st - otherwise we will proceed as planned thereafter.
Blue banner, fixed-size boxes, italic mission statement text
Blue banner, fluid/mosaic style boxes, regular non-italic text in mission statement.
White banner, fluid/mosaic style boxes, italic text in mission statement.
This page was last updated on: 20/06/2024