Meetings and Other Highlights of 2015-16

Annual Scottish Medical Appraisers Conference

(Incorporated as part of the Scottish Medical Education Conference (SMEC))


The annual Scottish Medical Appraisers conference was incorporated into the SMEC (along with the Practice Managers conference) once again this year, held at the EICC on 5th and 6th of May 2016. We took on board the feedback received in the previous year and created more Appraiser focused topics, discussions and workshops, and this was reflected in the feedback received.


"Vast improvement on last year - thank you for responding to feedback. This year it was very much more relevant to appraisers with interesting speakers and also a specific seminar track. More of the same next year, and I'll tell my colleagues it is worth trying again!”

Speakers at this year’s conference included Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer, who spoke on “Realistic Medicine”; Prof Terence Stephenson, Chair of the GMC, spoke about “The GMC as a 21st Century Patient Safety Organisation”; and Dr Julian Archer, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Medical Education, Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine & Dentistry, shared results of the interim report from the UMbRELLA project (http://www.umbrella-revalidation.org.uk) and discussed the Revalidation experience so far across the four home nations. Chris Lubbe, a former bodyguard, closed the conference with inspirational tales of lessons learned from Nelson Mandela.


This year we ran a programme of 8 different workshops which were delivered and repeated over the two days. A little over 800 delegates attended the joint event, from which around 140 participants (30 Primary Care, 110 Secondary Care) took part in the Medical Appraisal workshops.

The workshops were:


- Recognition of Trainer (RoT) processes on SOAR

- How to manage concerns about appraisees

- How does CPD fit with appraisal?

- When things go wrong

- Values Based Reflective Practice (VBRP)

- Knowing me, knowing you

- Understanding why things go wrong in healthcare by understanding why they usually go right

- Effective Listening

The workshop feedback was generally very positive.  Many attendees valued the opportunity to network with other colleagues both in and outwith their particular sector and specialty.  The interactive aspect of the workshops was also very well received by delegates.  Judging from the comments, the workshops enabled a lot of attendees to reflect on their practice and implement new ideas learnt from their colleagues.


Excellent run through of instances of things that go wrong for doctors, process of escalation when reported to GMC and the place for appraisal in remediation. Useful practical points of how to get appraisee to reflect on difficulties and how to work towards a remedy”

Feedback from workshop “When things go wrong.”

Good overview of concerns experienced about appraisees and when to seek help from Appraisal Lead (could have done with more time as only a couple of topics were covered)”


Feedback from workshop “How to manage concerns about appraisees.”

I would have liked to attend many more of the workshops and was spoilt for choice! I am both an appraiser and a trainer and it has encouraged me to attend annually to get the update of knowledge I require.”

We also ran a drop-in stall manned by Kris Wright and Alistair Bryan, allowing delegates to ask any questions or provide any suggestions with regards to SOAR. This was well attended and feedback was very positive, and we hope to run a similar stall next time.





Next year’s conference will be held on Thursday 4 and Friday 5 May 2017 – make sure you pop these dates in your calendar!

Support for Appraisal Leads and ROs


Due to reduced capacity within the team, we were only able to organise one Joint Appraisal Leads meeting in 2015/2016.  This took place prior to the joint annual conference on 5th May 2016 at the EICC.


14 of our Primary and Secondary Care Appraisal Leads attended the meeting and a number of items were discussed, including:


• The GMC Evaluation Project for Revalidation and Appraisal

• Review of HIS Report

• Appraiser capacity and Training courses

• Recognition of Trainers



With Harry Peat now in post as the Training Manager for Medical Appraisal, we will be looking to return to the 6-monthly meetings ASAP.


Team Members update


For the second year running, we have enjoyed sustained support for SOAR users following the successful contracts renewal of Alistair Bryan and Kris Wright to the posts of Information Technicians for a further year, meaning their invaluable contribution to supporting SOAR and Medical Appraisal will continue.

Following Ian Staples’ departure last year, Harry Peat was appointed to the role of Training Manager (Medical Appraisal) in February 2016. Harry joins us from his previous role as Quality Improvement Manager (NES) and is no stranger to working with our medical colleagues.  His arrival coincides with the beginning of the second Revalidation cycle and we look forward to an exciting new chapter ahead.

Alexandra (Aly) Clydesdale joined the team as Admin Assistant on a short term contract in March 2016. Aly has been doing invaluable work interrogating the appraiser tracker database to help with forward planning of course provision, and has been a big help in supporting the training courses, and SOAR users on the helpdesk.

National Appraisal Administrators Meeting


The annual National Appraisal Admins meeting (with Primary and Secondary colleagues) was also held on 5th May 2016 at the EICC as part of the pre-conference meetings.  The meeting was attended by 20 Local Administration team members, plus 5 NES staff.


Prior to the meeting, an updates report was sought from the local admins, from which several highlights were discussed.


The main discussion focused on the issue of New Appraisers recruitment, and the number of appraisals expected of the appraisers. 102 New Appraisers were trained in 2015/2016, with 78 attending our Refresher training. In Primary Care, GP Appraisers are asked to undertake circa 22 appraisals per session; Secondary Care Appraisers are expected to undertake circa 10 appraisals – as recommended by the Scottish Government.


From the Medical Appraisal team’s point of view, our role is to train and support the Appraisers.  We will do all we can to maintain our support, but clearly it is the health boards’ responsibility to manage their appraisal / appraiser workforce.


Given the theme of the discussion topics, a workshop (adapted from the Appraiser training course) was arranged for the administrators to give them a better understanding of how the Appraiser courses are run, and a flavour of what participants do at the training courses.  This was well received and workshops for Local Admins will be considered for future meetings.



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This annual report has not been designed to be printed. To download the text only version of the report, please visit the Medical Appraisal Scotland website.

Speakers at this year’s conference included Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer, who spoke on “Realistic Medicine”; Prof Terence Stephenson, Chair of the GMC, spoke about “The GMC as a 21st Century Patient Safety Organisation”; and Dr Julian Archer, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Medical Education, Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine & Dentistry, shared results of the interim report from the UMbRELLA project (http://www.umbrella-revalidation.org.uk) and discussed the Revalidation experience so far across the four home nations. Chris Lubbe, a former bodyguard, closed the conference with inspirational tales of lessons learned from Nelson Mandela.