The Medical Appraisal Team is located at NHS Education for Scotland, 102 Westport, West Port, Edinburgh EH3 9DN
Our contact details can be found on Medical Appraisal Scotland:
For all general queries, please email:
Dr Niall Cameron
National Appraisal Adviser (PT)
Harry Peat
Training Manager (Medical Appraisal) (FT)
Niall is responsible for the strategic direction of the work of the Medical Appraisal Team and the development and quality assurance of the Appraisal Scheme. He works closely with Harry Peat, Training Manager. He represents NES at a number of key stakeholder meetings including the Scottish Revalidation Delivery Board and is lead for NES in the UMbRELLA project. He has extensive experience of Medical Appraisal as an Appraiser, Appraisal Lead, GP and Trainer.
Harry, who joined the Medical Appraisal team on 1st February 2016, has worked within the Medical Directorate for approximately 10 years and has held the posts of Hospital Training Manager and latterly Quality Improvement Manager. With approximately 4 and a half years in this role Harry has extensive experience of dealing with the GMC in relation to the delivery of Postgraduate Medical Education and is looking forward to broadening this experience with work in the fields of Appraisal and Revalidation.
Joyce McCrae
Administrator (FT)
Stacey Lucas (PT) & Elaine McKendry (FT)
Training and SOAR Helpdesk Administrators
Stacey and Elaine joined the team on 31st October 2016 as Training Scheme Administrators. Their role in Medical Appraisal includes organising and administering Training Courses for Appraisers as well as being first point of contact for all SOAR users answering helpdesk enquiries. Both Stacey and Elaine are new to NES. Stacey previously worked for Police Scotland and Elaine worked for the Royal Bank of Scotland. Both bring a range of knowledge and experience to the team.
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© NHS Education for Scotland 2017. You can copy or reproduce the information in this document for use within NHSScotland and for non-commercial educational purposes. Use of this document for commercial purposes is permitted only with the written permission of NES.