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Multi-Source Feedback

Multi-Source Feedback

The following is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions by doctors working in Scotland, regarding Multi-Source Feedback.

Please note the MSF tool on SOAR is NOT designed for Trainee doctors usage.  If you are a Trainee doctor and need to carry out an MSF, please contact your Deanery regional team for further assistance.

If you have any queries that don't appear below, please contact the SOAR Helpdesk for further assistance.


Based on research and background work done by Drs Murray Lough and Diane Kelly, NES developed an MSF tool designed to be used by all doctors working in Scotland.  The MSF tool was built into an online system by a company called WASP Software.

Funding was provided by Scottish government to link SOAR with this MSF tool, so that users can access the WASP MSF system via SOAR, and more importantly, the MSF reports can be automatically sent to SOAR near the time of the appraisal meeting.

This link project was completed and deployed to SOAR on 19th February 2013.

For general information about the Colleague Feedback/MSF process please visit the section in the Scottish Medical Appraisal Toolkit.

1. What is WASP MSF?

If you are accessing MSF via SOAR for the first time, you may be asked at some stage to "Connect to WASP". The NES MSF tool was developed by a company called WASP Software, so when you come across "WASP" or "WASP MSF" - that is what it is referring to.

2. Overview of accessing MSF via SOAR

For full details of MSF process on SOAR please check out the NES MSF Questionnaire page.

3. When should I initiate my MSF?

MSF can be initiated at any time throughout the year.

Each 5-year revalidation cycle should include one MSF report.

It is our recommendation that appraisees try and time it around 4-6 weeks before their appraisals to tie in with the automated processes.

MSF on WASP takes 3 weeks (to allow raters time to provide feedback). if the report has enough rater responses and the appraisee has done their self-assessment, then it closes automatically after 3 weeks.

If an appraisal has been scheduled on SOAR, then 7 days before meeting date SOAR will attempt to download the report automatically (if available) and sends out an auto email confirmation when completed.

Otherwise the report would simply sit on WASP until the appraisee manually downloads it.

4. I completed the MSF process but have not yet received my report...

Link your WASP and SOAR accounts first, then manually download the MSF report.

If for whatever reason, when you click on the "Download latest data" button and you are told "No MSF Data available", email us at with your GMC number and we will investigate this further for you.

5. I am getting an "Error 500" message...

If you receive the "Error 500" page, it means your SOAR and WASP accounts have not been able to link up, or the link is broken.  Typically the reason for this is because the email address you have on SOAR and WASP are different (maybe you updated the email address on SOAR).

To resolve this, please email, enter "Error 500" in the subject title, and in the email itself, tell us your GMC number and your preferred email address to use, and we will then manually update the record for you.

6. When will my WASP MSF report be ready?

For those who are using the WASP MSF tool from SOAR, there is a "Report due date" associated with each MSF report (usually 3 weeks after you have initiated the process).

In order for the report to be created, a minimum of 8 rater-responses is required and the self-assessment needs to be completed.

So long as this requirement is met, then the MSF report will be generated at midnight of the "Report due date".  Thereafter, SOAR will download the report for you 7 days prior to the appraisal meeting date.

7. How do I find out who has responded? How do I add more raters?

Due to the anonymised nature of the MSF process, you are not meant to find out who has/hasn't responded to the MSF requests, just numbers.

If you wish to contact the non-responders, simply trigger the reminder email for all - the WASP system will not email those who have already completed the requested feedback.

  1. Login to SOAR as appraisee
  2. Click on "Current appraisal"
  3. Click on "Colleague feedback"
  4. Click on "MSF" tab along the top
  5. Click on blue "Access WASP MSF tool" button to be redirected to old SOAR
  6. Click on "Access WASP" button
  7. You are now redirected to the WASP website, click on "Nominate Raters" from the menu
  8. Select those you wish to contact and click on "Save" or "Next" in bottom of page.

WASP will not contact those who have already responded, even if you select them.

If you wish to add more raters, click the "Add rater" button, enter details as instructed and click Save.

8. Do I need to wait until my MSF report is ready before I submit my appraisal forms?

No - submit your appraisal forms when you are ready to.

When the MSF report is available, it will automatically download to your submitted forms.  The system will also email the appraiser alerting them to this, so there is no action required of you.

If your MSF report is ready before you submit your appraisal forms, it will be downloaded to your draft appraisal forms so when you submit them it will automatically be there for the appraiser to review.

9. I used a different tool and I have the MSF report on my computer, what do I do?

Simply upload your MSF report as part of your supporting information, and make sure to include your reflections.

10. I need to repeat my MSF

WASP Software has a data retention policy where any reports downloaded to SOAR are deleted automatically after 4 months.

Unless you are repeating your MSF within 4 months of your last one, you should be able to repeat your MSF without issues.

Regardless, if you encounter any issues please reach out to the SOAR helpdesk for further assistance (remember to include your GMC number): 

11. WASP keeps emailing me about not having enough raters for my MSF...

Our apologies for the confusion, but the email you received will be triggered if your MSF report is due and you have not received enough rater responses, OR you have not completed the required self assessment questionnaire (most common scenario).  To do this:

  1. Login to SOAR as appraisee
  2. Click on "Current appraisal"
  3. Click on "Colleague feedback"
  4. Click on "MSF" tab along the top
  5. Click on blue "Access WASP MSF tool" button to be redirected to old SOAR
  6. Click on "Access WASP" button
  7. You are now redirected to the WASP website
  8. Click on "Questionnaire" from the menu
  9. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the self assessment, finish by ensuring the "submit" toggle is selected on last page (important) and click on "Next"

If you initiated the MSF process by mistake (perhaps you were just checking things out) - let us know and we will delete this for you to stop the auto emails.

This page was last updated on: 07/02/2025