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FAQ for sessional GPs

FAQ for sessional GPs

In collaboration with NHS Services Scotland (NSS), sessional GPs are able to claim a payment for the time spent on their appraisal upon completion.

Am I eligible?

This process has been in place since 2015.  Only doctors who were sessional/locum GPs at the time of their appraisal are eligible since January 2015.

How do I claim?

The claim form will automatically appear on your appraisal pages once Appraisal Form 4 has been approved. You should see it on your dashboard on SOAR; and you will also be reminded of this via system automated emails.

Once the Claim Form is enabled, you have 8 weeks to complete and submit the forms before this is auto-disabled.

When will I get paid?

The submitted claim forms are downloaded and processed by NSS every quarter and this all takes place outside of SOAR.  We will only be able to show when you submitted your claim forms, and when the forms were downloaded by NSS.

If you need to check updates on this there is a contact email at the bottom of the claim form.

NSS processes your claim forms - not NES - so we would not be able to assist with payment queries.

I don't seem to see the claim form?

If you were not correctly marked as a sessional/locum GP on SOAR prior to the appraisal (actioned by health board admin teams) then the claim form will not appear.

Liaise with your health board admin team in the first instance and request their assistance in contacting to manually enable the claim forms.

I didn't realise / forgot I was due payment...

So long as you are eligible to claim, the claim forms can be retrospectively enabled for completion.  The request is best to come through from the health board admin teams so they can verify your eligibility.

What if I don't want to claim?

If you do not wish to claim, ignore the claim form on SOAR - it will auto-disable after 8 weeks.

This page was last updated on: 18/08/2022