The new direction in quality in Primary Care, moving away from top down QOF performance targets to GP lead identification of key quality issues, is being supported in Lothian by both a face to face and cyber network. The network is intended to promote collaborative learning, spread of innovation, and supportive inter practice working relationships. Please click onto the following link for QI resources, project ideas, QI posters and current projects
Our primary care network page of the Lothian Quality Improvement website is very much a work in progress, with a password protected area and email bulletins on new website content currently in the pipeline. Please email any suggestions for improvement to
The Primary Care Quality Improvement web based network is a useful starting point for clinicians looking for ideas for quality improvement work to take forward in their practice. Please click and look!
Dr Lisa Carter
GP Lead, Primary Care Quality and Safety, NHS Lothian (June 2017)
This page was last updated on: 26/04/2021