Before we look at how they go about completing their appraisal forms, let’s take a look at the SOAR home page dashboard for appraisees.
Appraisee homepage
After you have logged into SOAR as the "Appraisee", this is your homepage:
On the main home page tiles, you have links to:

- "Current Appraisal" - this takes you to completing your appraisal forms;
- Quick access to add CPD entries on the go;
- To find out more about appraisal and revalidation, you can navigate to the Medical Appraisal Scotland website;
- This middle row of tiles is for information purposes - the middle tile outlines your current assigned appraiser details and how to contact them;
- If you have scheduled an appraisal meeting with your appraiser and they have added it to the system, the details and status will appear in these tiles; and
- Your Revalidation information should appear at the bottom tile, so long as the designated body on GMC Connect matches to the health board on SOAR.
Main menu navigation
The main menu navigation bar is at the top of the page:

- "Current Appraisal" (1) - to complete appraisal forms
- "My Details" (2) - where you can update your contact details; check who your current Appraiser is; along with other related details (3).
- If anything is inaccurate, please update accordingly or contact the helpdesk for assistance.
- Under "Resources" (4) you can find links to
- the SOAR User Guides; and
- a list of Royal Colleges. Both these links will redirect you to the Medical Appraisal Scotland website.
- The "Policy" page will bring up the SOAR Privacy policy page.
- Use the "Home" icon (5) in the sub navigation to return to the home page throughout.
Redirect to and from old platform
This is the new homepage rolled out to users in January 2025. There are some pages which will redirect you to the old version of SOAR which can be quite confusing at first, but we have plans to transform these pages as part of the next iteration of development.
If you selected "Appraisal History", "Revalidation", "News Alerts" or "Settings", you will be redirected back to old SOAR. (From old SOAR, click on any menu items to be redirected back to the new SOAR platform.)
All users are encouraged to check their "Appraisal History" first before initiating a new appraisal. SOAR is designed to only handle one annual appraisal at a time, make sure you complete any old incomplete appraisals before starting a new one.
This page was last updated on: 27/01/2025