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Academic Medicine

For the next phase of the SOAR development we are aiming to move all Appraisee tools onto this new platform. Until then however, there are two other sections where you will be redirected to the old setup.

The "Recognition of Trainer" section, and the "Academic Medicine" section.

Clicking on "Academic Medicine" from the Current Appraisal page will take you to the form on the old platform.

Academic Medicine form

This form is enabled for those appraisees who are Clinical Academics with an honorary role with the NHS. If this applies to you and you are not seeing this form, or vice versa, please liaise with your local health board admin teams in the first instance and confirm who your university appraiser is.

Complete the form as you normally would.

Remember to mark the progress of individual objectives in Section 2 (Assessment against previous years' academic objectives) – something many users forget to update.

Outline the work you have done in research, teaching and management, as well as development needs for the year ahead. Finish by adding a couple of objectives to work towards in the next 12 months. (It is suggested you add no more than five objectives to make them achievable.)

This page was last updated on: 16/02/2025