This CPD Log function on SOAR is optional to use. For those who collates their own CPD elsewhere, either via a college or other external portfolio system, or via your own setup on Microsoft Word or Excel, you can upload them in the "Supporting documents" section (1) and leave the log blank (2).
If you are not sure what the appraisal or revalidation requirements are, go to the "Guidance" tab for further signposting (4).
Regardless of whether or not you are using the system's CPD log, the most important thing is to ensure you reflect on your learning. Click on the "Collective reflection" tab (3) and consider all your learning submitted.
Focus on the most significant learning activities to discuss and reflect with your appraiser. Consider what change and impact the learning has had, and also what other learning, if applicable, you may wish to consider for further development.
Click Save when finished.
There are two ways to add a CPD entry on SOAR, either through the quick access "Add CPD" tile on the appraisee dashboard homepage, or via the "Add CPD entry" button on the "Log of activities" page (2).
Imagine you have just attended a very informative lecture and you already have some thoughts on how you may wish to implement this in your practice. You can use the "Add CPD" tile on your dashboard homepage to quickly add the entry on the go and then add details to it later.
Or you can click on "Add CPD entry" on the "Log of activities" page (as illustrated above) - they both perform the same function.
Give the learning activity a short title; add the description of the activity, and your learning and reflections.
You can add the other details if you wished, such as a reminder to revisit this CPD, but if you are adding this on the fly, you can just scroll to the bottom and click Save.
If/when adding CPD credits/hours, please make sure to enter numerical values only - otherwise it will cause an error and the CPD entry will not save (e.g. "15.00" instead of "15 hours" etc)
At a later stage, when you have more time and are ready to add more details, you can do so by editing the entry. For example, you can indicate the number of credits or hours this took; and you can also add documents like attendance certificates. (Remember to click Save when finished editing.)
To edit or delete a CPD entry, navigate back to the log of activities where all the CPD entries are listed:
Click on the corresponding "Actions" button and it will bring up options to either Edit the chosen entry, or Delete it - click accordingly.
This page was last updated on: 08/03/2025