Appraisee reviews Form 4
The system will email the appraisee when the Form 4 has been forwarded for their review. They can click on the embedded link or navigate to SOAR in the usual way to access and review the Form 4:
- Login to SOAR (as appraisee)
- Click on "Current appraisal"
- You should see a message at the top of the page to let you know a Form 4 is "awaiting your sign off"

- For appraisees, the Form 4 will be in PDF format for their easier downloading and review.

- If you are happy with the content, simply click on the "Approve" button at the bottom of the page to sign off the Form 4.
- If changes are needed, click on the "Change Request" button and a pop up will appear asking you to add more information so the appraiser knows what area to edit and change.

Once the Form 4 has been signed off, the appraisee and appraiser are invited to complete the Feedback Form 6.
And that is the appraisal process on SOAR.
This page was last updated on: 07/03/2025