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Sessional GPs form

Sessional GPs can claim for their appraisals.  The claim form is auto-enabled once Form 4 is signed off.

To navigate to this:

  • Login to SOAR (as appraisee)

  • From the blue menu bar at the top, click in "Appraisal History"

  • Your latest appraisal should be listed at the top, click on the corresponding "edit/view" button on the left of the table

  • You should next see the "Claim form" tab along the top - click on that

  • Complete the form and click "Submit" when ready (take care in entering bank details)

Once submitted, it will sit on SOAR until the NSS team logs in to download the forms for processing (they normally do this every quarter)

If the claim form is not there, chances are you were not identified as a sessional GP when the appraisal was first setup.  In which case please liaise with your health board admin teams in the first instance.

This page was last updated on: 07/03/2025