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Scottish Medical Appraisal & Revalidation Toolkit

Regardless of your role, as part of your medical appraisal each year you are asked to produce supporting information of clinical and educational activities covering the whole scope of your practice, which evidences and reflects your commitment to delivering and improving on high standards of patient care.

Your supporting information should demonstrate that you have considered and evaluated:

  • the quality of your work;
  • the impact on patient care; and
  • changes in behaviour and practice where appropriate.
Medical appraisal offers you an opportunity to discuss and reflect on all aspects of your practice with a trained peer, which may highlight areas for further development.

This toolkit is designed to help you prepare for your appraisal, focussing on supporting information.  For those who are new to medical appraisal, please review the "New to appraisal in Scotland" section first.

We have tried to develop materials to support all doctors working in primary and secondary care.  If you think anything is missing or inaccurate, please let us know.

Scottish Medical Appraisal & Revalidation Toolkit

Toolkit designed to help doctors formulate their supporting information collection in preparation of their annual medical appraisals.

New to appraisal in Scotland

An introduction for doctors new to medical appraisal in Scotland.

Guidance for GP Returners

Link to induction guidance for GP Returners.

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