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Appraisal and Revalidation

  • Revalidation is a 5-yearly process to renew a doctor’s licence to practice
  • Most doctors will be connected to a “Designated Body” (DB) – for example the employing Health Board
  • The appraisal summary is part of the evidence ROs use to make a revalidation recommendation to the GMC

A doctor is only allowed to practice in the UK if they hold a GMC licence to practice. At the end of UK training doctors are usually recommended for revalidation by their Responsible Officer and then revalidated by the GMC.

In order to continue to keep a licence to practice, doctors need to fulfil the GMC requirements for revalidation and evidence this every 5 years. For most doctors their employer (e.g. the Health Board) is their designated body; and designated bodies all have a local appraisal system that supports collecting the required evidence for revalidation through annual appraisals.

It should be noted though that supporting revalidation is just one element of your appraisal. In order to make the most of it for yourself, use it as an opportunity to reflect on your work with a trained peer.

This page was last updated on: 08/01/2025