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Patient feedback

Patient feedback

  • To understand what patients and others think about the care and services the doctor provides.
  • To help them identify areas of strength and development, and highlight changes they can make to improve the care or services they provide.
  • To evaluate whether changes they have made to their practice in light of earlier feedback have had a positive impact.
  • Not applicable to all doctors (e.g. Public Health; Pathologists etc)

Feedback is a particularly useful tool to look at behaviours, teamwork, professionalism, communication and interpersonal skills. 

If you are a Health Board employee your local appraisal team can advise you on the recommended tool to use to collect your patient feedback.

This is required every 5 years for revalidation, and is not something that can be collated quickly - it could take several months.  We recommend doctors start preparing/organising their Patient Survey Questionnaires (PSQ) within 2 or 3 years of your revalidation due date - avoid leaving it until your revalidation year.

Doctors must:

  • reflect on the outcomes and what it means for their practice and behaviour
  • include their reflection in the pre-appraisal documentation
  • discuss the feedback and their reflections on it during the appraisal discussion

Not all doctors will need to collect this information e.g. those in non patient facing roles such as Public Health.

This page was last updated on: 08/01/2025