SEA - Child Protection
It is recommended that primary care doctors should undergo training in child protection every 3 years.
You should also demonstrate that you reflect upon and learn from cases in which you are involved.
You should include:
- Evidence of recent training in child protection issues.
- A significant event analysis for any child protection case that you have been involved with. This analysis should at the least consider issues of recognition of abuse, local procedures, inter-agency communication, and documentation.
The RCGP has updated the "Child safeguarding toolkit" which can be downloaded/printed.
Options for training are:
- Face-to-face courses
- On-line courses (e.g. BMJ learning hosts some useful materials)
- In-practice modules (for GPs). RCGP has developed modules (for members only) designed for use by practice teams, but which those who were unable to attend a team event could use independently.
If you are a sessional doctor having completed child protection training, you should consider how you will ensure that you are aware of the local protocols.
This page was last updated on: 08/03/2022