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QIA - Emergency Care

QIA - Emergency Care

You need to demonstrate that you are properly prepared for an emergency and that you reflect on, and learn from, these events.

Drugs and Equipment

You should be able to demonstrate that equipment and drugs are available, and are monitored in accordance with current UK regulations, appropriate to your situation. These should allow you to give appropriate care to any patient that you may reasonably expect to encounter.

For sessional doctors, this should include a list of drugs carried, and a summary of how you ensure that appropriate equipment is available to you.

You should include either:

  • A valid training practice certificate, or
  • A valid QPA certificate, or
  • A list of drugs and equipment with information on how the supply is maintained.

A pro forma is available at the bottom of this page. Indicate on the pro forma which drugs or equipment items are available, and add comments where appropriate. Every drug on this list may not be appropriate for every situation! A separate pro forma is included for sessional doctors.


A statement, for your situation, explaining how the supply, availability, disposal, and recording for controlled drug use is managed. If you work in one practice, this should be your practice's controlled drugs policy.

Sessional doctors should include a personal statement.  This should include the way they obtain access to controlled drugs and their system for recording usage and accountability.

Maintaining Skills

As a minimum, all practicing primary care doctors should be able to show evidence of re-training in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation skills in adults and children every 5 years. You should include a certificate of attendance at an appropriate training event.

Significant Events

If you have been involved in any cardio-pulmonary resuscitation attempts in primary care, you should complete a significant event analysis. This should include an assessment of the clinical presentation, clinical skills, equipment, and any communication issues.

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This page was last updated on: 08/03/2022