Common queries on Appraisal Forms on SOAR
The online appraisal forms are accessed on SOAR via the menu on the left hand side after you have logged in in the appraisee role. Menu items are labelled "Forms 1-2" and "Form 3". Form 3 is broken up into the 4 Domains, and is where you upload/document your supporting information.
We appreciate that for those who are not used to online systems, the scanning of supporting information (in particular folders' worth of attendance certificates) might be an issue.
Liaise with your appraiser and make sure they agree first, but you can bring these documents with you on the day of the appraisal meeting. However, we ask that you detail ALL the documents you are bringing in the appropriate text boxes within the relevant Domains on the forms, so a record of what was brought to the meeting is logged.
There will be some items that are not appropriate for bringing on the day, such as MSF reports, Audits, Reflections etc. Your appraiser will want to see these documents ahead of time so they can review and prepare prior to the appraisal meeting. We expect the appraisees to make the effort to ensure these documents are made available to the appraiser ahead of time. If you are not sure what is ok/not ok to bring on the day, seek advice from your appraiser well in advance.
The more notice you give your appraiser, the more time you give yourself to prepare.
Once you have completed Appraisal Forms 1-3 and uploaded all your supporting information, there are two things you need to do: 1) Agree to the Confidentiality Statement; and 2) Submit your Appraisal forms (so that they are shared with your appraiser). Both these tasks are done on the appraisal details page.
When done, a snapshot read-only version of your appraisal forms is created for this appraisal and it will appear as tabs along the top of the page. This is what is shared with the appraiser.
The system will email the appraiser automatically so they know to login to SOAR to review what you have submitted.
For more information on submitting forms, please go to the SOAR User guide for Appraisees section
You need to RESUBMIT your appraisal forms, otherwise your appraiser will not be able to review your newly added information.
The snapshot read-only version of your appraisal forms will be refreshed and your appraiser will be notified by email also.
For more information on re-submitting forms, please go to the SOAR User guide for Appraisees section
There are three possibilities in this scenario:
If you've simply not yet submitted the forms, all you need to do is follow the steps above (in #3) to "accept" the confidentiality statement and "submit" the forms.
If you need to resubmit your forms so the appraiser can see the changes you've made since initial submission, follow previous steps (in #4) and you will see the "Resubmit" button at the bottom of the appraisal details page.
If you do not have an appraisal meeting set up on SOAR, you need to notify your appraiser so they can login and do so. The submission and sharing of appraisal forms is centred around the appraisal meeting.
Guidance for appraisers on how to create appraisal is available in the SOAR User Guides (item 2).
Until the appraisee submits their appraisal forms and accepts the confidentiality, the status will remain as "unconfirmed". Once appraisal forms have been submitted and confidentiality accepted, the status will change to "In Progress".
The "Appraisal Period" (April to March) on SOAR is to log WHEN the appraisal took place rather than WHAT material was discussed.
This is a system requirement so that we can report how many appraisals took place in a given period in particular health boards.
Anecdotally we would expect all appraisals to be discussing materials from past 12 months or since last appraisal.
If you have any items on your CPD log that seems to have been excluded in your appraisal submission - check the individual CPD item to make sure the "Submit to next appraisal" tickbox has been checked. If not, please check this on all CPD items and then resubmit.
This was a common error from items imported from CPD Connect (which we have since fixed).
This page was last updated on: 19/08/2024