This session was delivered by Drs Lesley Dawson (DME NHS Lothian) and Ben Ulyatt (ADME NHS Tayside), facilitated by Dr Christiane Shrimpton (APGD NES), on 22 March 2023.
Summary points from Q&A and chat:
- It is the appraisees'/trainers' responsibility to collate their own ROT supporting information in appropriate format for submission (same as any other supporting info for appraisal).
- The responsibility of recognising a trainer's role(s) is with the Directors of Medical Education and Universities/NES - NOT appraisers.
- Role of appraiser with regards to ROT is to facilitate the discussion and reflect on the trainer role - just like any other supporting information as part of whole-practice appraisal
- Post appraisal, ROT information is automatically collated into a Form 7, which consists of
- Appraisee completed ROT form and
- Appraiser comments in ROT section on Form 4
- Initial recognition is conducted outside of IT systems;
- Continued-recognition review is triggered and flagged to DMEs on SOAR once a trainer has been revalidated;
- Trainers are expected to complete ROT form as part of annual appraisal; DMEs will access all Form 7s and make the necessary recommendations re continued-recognition when prompted.
- DMEs/Universities/NES will have access to a trainer's past Form 7s; however they do NOT have access to any of the appraisal forms (e.g. if appraiser enters comment "see above" in ROT section on Form 4, or if appraisee uploads ROT information outwith the ROT form, the DMEs will not be able to see it)
- Approved GP Trainers do NOT require ROT
- Non-approved GP trainers supervising FY2 will require ROT
- Undergraduate: GPs who supervise medical students do not need ROT but most of the Scottish medical Programmes will have a lead who oversees all the GP placements and ensures that the agreements with practices are met. CPD on education whilst ideal, is not expected.
- SOAR review is ongoing, funded by Scottish government, looking at improving the user interface/experience - including aspects of ROT
- Since May 2018, NES had stopped sending blanket emails to all SOAR users re various updates to comply with GDPR. Please login to SOAR and opt-in to receiving the applicable News Alerts categories.
Useful links for signposting:
Related Documents
ROT Webinar slides
Slides used for ROT webinar
Date updated: 24/03/2023
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Appraisee checklist for completion of ROT section on SOAR
Date updated: 05/04/2024
Size: 139666 - KB
Type: docx
This page was last updated on: 03/04/2023