
I have been involved with appraisal since 2003 initially as a GP appraiser, then GP appraisal lead and culminating in my role as GP Responsible Officer for Wolverhampton. I have always felt that it was a privilege being an appraiser and to have educational conversations with colleagues not only helping them navigate through challenging times but also learning from them. This learning is further emphasised by the GMC who clearly state that appraisal is not a ‘pass or fail’ exercise but developmental. Scotland has a system in place which is the envy of many not only in the UK but internationally. A national SOAR system with dedicated staff headed by William Liu is the centre piece to ensure quality and consistency in appraisal processes across all specialties.

Scotland has a system in place which is the envy of many not only in the UK but internationally.

We also have new and refresher appraiser courses delivered by an enthusiastic and experienced team of tutors from primary and secondary care. In the coming year, we will work with our appraisal teams and the Revalidation Delivery Board for Scotland to ensure that our courses continue to be fit for purpose and meet any changes in revalidation requirements both for appraisers and Responsible Officers.


This report highlights the tremendous work undertaken by appraisal teams and Responsible Officers across Scotland in ensuring timely appraisal and revalidation, but I also hope it is informative.

Dr Amjad Khan

Director of Post Graduate GP Education, Revalidation Lead NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Education for Scotland

Westport 102

West Port



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