Medical Appraisers Training and Recruitment

Appraiser training courses in 2018 / 2019

2018 / 2019 has been a busy and challenging year for the training team, with 23 training courses scheduled in the year (most we have ever done) as we strive to meet ongoing demand for training of New Appraisers, from both within and outwith Medical Appraisal.


A breakdown of the 23 training events this year across Scotland are as follows:

  • 2-day New Appraiser Training (x11)
  • 1-day Refresher Training (x7)
  • 1-day Tutor Training Day (x1)
  • 2-day New Dental Appraiser Training (x4)

Of the 11 New Appraiser Training courses successfully run, 122 New Appraisers were trained; with 28 from Primary Care (GP) and 94 from Secondary Care.


In Scotland, it is a Revalidation requirement for all appraisals to be completed by a NES-trained Appraiser. The Medical Appraiser Refresher training offers an opportunity for experienced appraisers to refresh their skills and allow them to continue in their role as an appraiser. Refresher training (1-day events) is recommended to be undertaken once every 5 years by active appraisers. During the 2018 / 2019 period a total of 56 Secondary Care Appraisers and 10 Primary Care Appraisers attended our Refresher training events.


The following tables give a further breakdown of course numbers.

New Medical Appraiser Training Courses

The table below illustrates the attendance at the 2-day New Appraiser courses, which are designed to run with maximum 18 participants capacity. (Due to venue restrictions, only two courses were scheduled with the max 18-participants capacity.)

** N45’s capacity was reduced from 12 to 9 following an unexpected tutor dropout due to ill-health.

Participants' feedback from the courses was very positive:

Tutors helped in building confidence when reviewing your colleague's performance and giving them feedback in a proper and dignified manner. The tutors were very knowledgeable, very approachable and helpful. They put us at ease and when presented with positive and negative feedback it was constructive. Their approach made the process most enjoyable and informative.

The most valuable aspect of the course was the mini appraisal session. This course was very interactive and thought provoking. It has given clear information/guidance on what appraisal is - a positive process to give someone feedback on their performance, continuing progress, and to discuss development needs. The course fulfilled my expectations and needs to become an appraiser, it challenged me, and made me look at my shortcomings and qualities to help in the appraisal process.

N44 participants, 24 September 2018

The course was very well organised. The small group meetings were organised so that we had the opportunity to work with a variety of colleagues which was interesting and instructive. The tutors were entertaining and enthusiastic.

N46 participant, 9 October 2018

I felt that the environment generated by the tutors contributed positively to learning. In addition, the opportunity to adopt the appraiser role in a safe and non-confrontational environment was a very useful exercise in enhancing facility with the process and bolstering confidence in conducting an appraisal. By far, I found the mini-appraisal the most stimulating, challenging and useful aspect of the course.

I found the material challenging and stimulating, the tutors knowledgeable, approachable and insightful and the entire ethos generated to be safe and open for learning. I'd recommend it without hesitation to others.

N48 participants, 14 November 2018

Refresher Medical Appraiser Training Course

The following table illustrates the attendance at the 1-day Appraiser Refresher courses, which are designed to run at maximum 24 capacity.

Participants' feedback from the courses was very positive:

I gained reassurance that my own technique and style was good, and I learned that the interview can be conducted in a different way from my own which allowed me to reflect on any changes I might make in future.

R24 participant, 4 June 2018

The tutors were excellent and gave really helpful hints, as well as encouraging us to try different approaches.

R25 participant, 21 June 2018

The course was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed the initial enhanced appraiser training 5 years ago, and this course was equally enjoyable. I believe it should be mandatory for all appraisers.”

“I like that the specialties were mixed. It is always interesting to see how different types of doctors approach a problem, and how their interview style is. Having another totally different perspective on your own style is very informative.

R26 participants, 10 September 2018

Excellent course, wonder why I took so long to go on it!

R29 participant, 30 January 2019

Dental Appraiser Training Course

To help dental appraisal progress in Scotland, Medical Appraisal organised four bespoke Dental Appraiser courses in 2018.

We successfully trained 28 dentists to become Dental Appraisers.


Due to the ongoing demands for Medical Appraisers, we were unable to offer further bespoke dental courses; however, dental (and other disciplines) are welcomed to apply and attend the Medical Appraiser courses. Priority will be given to medical colleagues first to ensure Medical Revalidation requirements are met; but we will try to cater for everyone wherever we can.

Interested in becoming an Appraiser?

If you are interested in becoming an Appraiser, you can find further details via the Medical Appraisal Scotland website:



Training course details available under the “Be an Appraiser” link in the menu. Please discuss further with your local Appraisal Lead as the first port of call. Appraisal management processes (and vacancies) vary across the Health Boards in Scotland and it is important that you understand the requirements of your Health Board, and that they can guide and support you in the Appraiser role.

Distribution of trained Appraisers across Health Boards

Of the 122 New Appraisers trained, and the 66 Appraisers who attended the Refresher courses during 2018 / 19, below is a breakdown of the spread across the health boards:

** Of the five New Appraisers trained and added to NSS, one was from NES.

Following national agreement, NSS has taken over the appraisal administration responsibilities for specialty health boards / areas with smaller numbers of medical staff (e.g. NES, Health Scotland, HIS, Scottish Government etc), pooling together all Appraisers to ensure Appraisees in these organisations have access to at least 2 different appraisers within a 5-year Revalidation cycle.

Challenges in the delivery of training

Following the unprecedented number of training course cancellations last year, I am happy to report that only one Refresher course was cancelled in 2018 / 2019 (compared to three New Appraiser courses and four Refreshers in the previous year). However, whilst we have bucked the trend in course cancellations, we have encountered two issues: course capacity and attendance rates. With resources already stretched, a conscious effort was also made to run Appraiser Training courses utilising NHS offices wherever possible following the successful trial the year before. Whilst money was saved through venue hire and catering, it has meant on several occasions we were unable to run the courses at our designed full capacity: 18 participants on 2-day New Appraiser courses and 24 participants for 1-day Refreshers respectively.


Also, the combination of Appraiser retirement and clinicians’ continued service pressures has had a significant impact on the training courses’ attendance rates. Despite the high demand for New Appraisers, we have had significant participant drop-outs (often at short notice) and DNAs which led to many courses running at less than full capacity. Of all the New Appraiser courses run last year, only one course (out of 11) was run at full capacity as scheduled. Five courses (factoring reduced capacity per course) were run at less than 75% capacity. The Refresher courses were particularly disappointing, with four of the six 1-day events running at less than 70%; two of which were run at less than half (33% and 44% respectively).

Whilst Refresher training is not yet a mandatory requirement, it is strongly recommended for existing Appraisers to ensure they are supported in their role as Appraiser. The Refreshers also offers the experienced Appraisers a chance to network and share best practices with colleagues outwith their health board and specialties.

If courses were run at full capacity as scheduled, the 2018 / 2019 training programme would have seen us train 150 New Appraisers, and 111 experienced Appraisers attend the Refreshers; instead, only 122 New Appraisers were trained (81%) and 66 attended the Refreshers training (59%). The reduced attendance has meant the courses were run at less than optimal efficiency, as well as reduced ROI (Return On Investment) on the resources. In an effort to address this, we have avoided Mondays and Fridays (following feedback from course tutors and participants) in the 2019 / 2020 schedule.  Additionally, we have also organised the majority of the training courses in the local health board areas, rather than through central-belt NHS premises. Hopefully the combination of the two will help improve the course attendances.

NHS Education for Scotland

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